quinta-feira, 28 de junho de 2012

Alerta do Google - facebook

Blogs10 resultados novos para facebook
Fãs da Aston Martin no Facebook 'customizam' carro - G1 - Globo
Fabricante mostrou como ficou o DB9 segundo o gosto dos internautas. Ação foi para comemorar o fato de a marca ter conquistado 1 milhão de fãs.
G1 > Auto Esporte
G1 - Facebook recebe avaliações mornas de analistas de Wall ...
Rede social estreou na bolsa há pouco mais de um mês. Relatórios sobre ações do site colocam dúvidas em modelo de negócio.
G1 > Tecnologia e Games
Facebook's iPhone App Is Finally Going to Get Faster
de Zoe Fox
Facebook is giving its iPhone a much-needed speed update.
Facebook to launch "faster" iPhone app in July | TUAW - The ...
de Mike Schramm
Let's face facts here: Facebook's iOS app is terrible. Seriously -- it's slow, the navigation is practically nonsensical, and I've even left messages.
TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog
IPO não afetou desempenho do Facebook no Brasil, diz Experian ...
de Ana Lúcia Moura Fé
O desempenho do Facebook no Brasil se manteve inalterado depois do IPO, ocorrido em 18 de maio último. É o que revela a Experian Hitwise, ferramenta de inteligência digital da Experian Marketing Services. De acordo com o ranking da ...
Web Expo Forum 2012
How to Force Facebook to Display Your Real Email Address
de Dave Copeland
Facebook told The Wall Street Journal that, in hindsight, it probably should have done a better job of explaining its email switchover that left users with an @facebook.com email address as the default contact on their profiles. But it's still up to ...
Facebook promotes user education with new icon above ads
de Brittany Darwell
Facebook has added a small icon linking to an "About Facebook Advertising" page next to the word "Sponsored" above ad units on the site. This gives users a quick way to learn more about how Facebook ads work and why users see the ads ...
Inside Facebook
The Reason Why Facebook's iPhone App Is So Slow and How It's ...
de Casey Chan
Facebook's iOS app has some nice features but it's painfully, neck-stiffening slow. It won't be for long though. The NY Times reports that next month, Facebook will release an update that'll completely overhaul the app to make it blazing fast.
Completely rebuilt, "blazing fast" Facebook for iPhone coming next ...
de Christian Zibreg
Don't you just hate Facebook's iOS app, a glorified HTML5 web app wrapped with an Objective-C shell? We do: it's sluggish for a native apps and unresponsive.
Facebook launching "blazing fast", rebuilt iPhone app next month ...
de Jordan Kahn
Citing unnamed FB engineers, the report claimed Facebook is going to release a new, "blazing fast" iOS app that is rebuilt "primarily using Objective-C". However, according to Bilton who tested the unreleased app, it will be largely the same ...

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